ADR-72: Ethereum API providers

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Context and Problem Statement

Some of our services depend on a ethereum/polygon rpc provider, including wallet connect and catalyst, this dependency generates a single point of failure where any downtime of this provider is a downtime in our services. In order to make our system more resilient we need a way to distribute this charge over multiples provider and fallback any request those service that are down to other that is not

Proposed solution

We proposed a Cloudflare worker that ack as a load balancer between any provider we chose



Load Balancer Algorithm

  1. Ethereum RPC Request reach the Worker
  2. Create a new instance of ProviderHandler
  3. Validate the Request (if it is invalid returns 400)
  4. Randomly selected a Provider (if there is no more providers returns 503)
  5. Check if the Provider supports the network (if not go to step 4)
  6. Check if the Provider supports the protocol (http or ws, if not go to step 4)
  7. Forward request to the provider
  8. Check response status code (if greater or equalt to 500 go to step 4)
  9. Forward response to the user
  [*] --> ProviderHandler: Ethereum RPC Request

  state check_provider <<choice>>
  state check_network <<choice>>
  state check_protocol <<choice>>
  state check_response <<choice>>

  ProviderList --> ProviderHandler
  ProviderHandler --> CheckRequest
  CheckRequest --> [*]: Invalid Request

  CheckRequest --> PopProviderFromList
  PopProviderFromList --> check_provider
  check_provider --> CheckNetwork: Provider Selected
  check_provider --> [*]: No more providers

  CheckNetwork --> check_network
  check_network --> PopProviderFromList: Network not supported
  check_network --> CheckProtocol: Network supported

  CheckProtocol --> check_protocol
  check_protocol --> PopProviderFromList: Protocol not supported
  check_protocol --> fetch: Protocol supported

  fetch --> check_response
  check_response --> PopProviderFromList: HTTP Code >= 500
  check_response --> [*]: HTTP Code < 500

Implementation API

ProtocolUpgrade defines if a request should be done over https or should be upgraded to websocket

export enum ProtocolUpgrade {
  https = "https",
  websocket = "websocket"

Network defines the target network

export enum Network {
  mainnet = "mainnet",
  ropsten = "ropsten",
  goerli = "goerli",
  rinkeby = "rinkeby",
  kovan = "kovan",
  polygon = "polygon",
  mumbai = "mumbai"

Provider is the interface that needs to be implemented once per ethereum provider

export type ProviderURLOptions = {
  upgrade: ProtocolUpgrade
  network: Network

export interface Provider {
   * resolves the url to be fetched, if the network
   * or the protocol is not supported by the provider
   * should return `null`
  getTargetUrl(options: ProviderURLOptions): string | null

ProviderHandler handle a request and returns the response of the provider if the provider responds with a server error it's retry the request with a different provider if all providers fails responds with and error

export default class ProviderHandler {
  constructor(private providers: Provider[] = []) {}

   * Add a new provider
  add(provider: Provider) {
    return this

   * Check if the a request should be upgraded to websocket
  getProtocol(request: Request): ProtocolUpgrade | null

   * Check the network at witch the current request is trying to reach
  getNetwork(request: Request): Network | null

   * Retuers a response with custom CORS
  cors = async (request: Request): Promise<Response> => {
    return new Response(null, {
      status: 204,
      headers: {

  handle = async (request: Request, event: FetchEvent): Promise<Response> => {
    const method = request.method.toLowerCase()

    if (method === "options") {
      return this.cors(request)

    const upgrade = this.getProtocol(request)
    if (method === "get" && upgrade !== ProtocolUpgrade.websocket) {
      return new Response(`Upgrade Required`, { status: 426 })

    const network = this.getNetwork(request)
    if (!network) {
      return new Response("Unsupported network", { status: 404 })

    const providers = shuffle(this.providers)
    for (const provider of providers) {
      const target = provider.getTargetUrl({ network, upgrade })
      if (target) {
        const response = await fetch(target, request)

        if (response.status >= 500) {
            `Error calling ${new URL(request.url).host}: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`
        } else {
          // do not modify request for websocket
          return response

    return new Response("Providers unavailable", { status: 503 })


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